Amiga Format CD 38
Amiga Format CD38 (1999-03-15)(Future Publishing)(GB)(Track 1 of 3)[!][issue 1999-04].iso
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Text File
587 lines
** COP startup data description table **
** © 1996-1998 THOR-Software **
** See COP.doc for description of the entries **
;Define some gurus
##increment 1
##offset 2
"bus error"
"address error"
"illegal instruction"
"zero divide"
"chk instruction"
"TRAPV instruction"
"privilege violation"
"line A emulator"
"line F emulator"
"emulator interrupt"
"coprocessor protocol violation"
"format error"
"reserved autovector $0f"
"reserved autovector $10"
"reserved autovector $11"
"reserved autovector $12"
"reserved autovector $13"
"reserved autovector $14"
"reserved autovector $15"
"reserved autovector $16"
"reserved autovector $17"
"spurious interrupt"
"level 1 IRQ autovector"
"level 2 IRQ autovector"
"level 3 IRQ autovector"
"level 4 IRQ autovector"
"level 5 IRQ autovector"
"level 6 IRQ autovector"
"level 7 IRQ autovector"
"trap #0"
"trap #1"
"trap #2"
"trap #3"
"trap #4"
"trap #5"
"trap #6"
"trap #7"
"trap #8"
"trap #9"
"trap #a"
"trap #b"
"trap #c"
"trap #d"
"trap #e"
"trap #f"
"FPCP branch or set on unordered condition"
"FPCP inexact result"
"FPCP divide by zero"
"FPCP underflow"
"FPCP operand error"
"FPCP overflow"
"FPCP signaling NAN"
"FPCP reserved exception"
"MMU configuration error"
"reserved autovector $ed"
"reserved autovector $ee"
"reserved autovector $ef"
"unimplemented effective address"
"unimplemented integer instruction"
"reserved autovector $f2"
"reserved autovector $f3"
"reserved autovector $f4"
"reserved autovector $f5"
"reserved autovector $f6"
"reserved autovector $f7"
"reserved autovector $f8"
"reserved autovector $f9"
"reserved autovector $fa"
"reserved autovector $fb"
"reserved autovector $fc"
"reserved autovector $fd"
"reserved autovector $fe"
"reserved autovector $ff"
;Specific alerts
##offset $01000001
"68K exeption vector checksum"
"execbase checksum bad"
"library checksum failure"
##offset $81000005
"memory corrupt"
"no memory for interrupt server"
##offset $01000007
"initStruct failed"
"semaphore in illegal state"
"memory freed twice"
##offset $8100000A
"illegal 68K exection taken"
##offset $0100000B
"attempt to reuse active IORequest"
"memory insane"
"IO attempted on closed IORequest"
"memory header not located"
"invalid message semaphore"
##offset $810000FF
"uninitialized quick interrupt"
;------- graphics.library
##offset $82010000
"gfx out of memory"
"gfx out of memory for monitor specs"
##offset $82010006
"gfx out of memory for long frame"
"gfx out of memory for short frame"
"gfx out of memory for TmpRas"
"gfx out of memory for BltBitMap"
"gfx out of memory for regions"
##offset $82010030
"gfx out of memory for MakeVPort"
##offset $0200000C
"gfx new object failed"
"gfx free object failed"
##offset $82011234
"gfx emercency memory not available"
##offset $02000401
"gfx obsolete font"
;------ layers.library
##offset $83010000
"layers out of memory"
;------ intuition.library
##offset $84000001
"intuition unknown gadget type"
##offset $04000001
"intuition bad gadget type"
##offset $84010002
"intuition no mem for CreatePort"
##offset $04010003
"intuition no mem for item plane"
"intuition sub allocation failed"
##offset $84010005
"intuition plane allocation failed"
##offset $84000006
"intuition box top < RelZero"
##offset $84010007
"intuition open screen out of mem"
"intuition raster alloc failed"
##offset $84000009
"intuition open sys screen unknown type"
##offset $8401000A
"intuition add SW gadget no mem"
"intuition open window no mem"
##offset $8400000C
"intuition bad state return entering intuition"
"intuition bad message received by IDCMP"
"intuition weird echo causing incomprehension"
"intuition couldn't open the Console Device"
"intuition skipped obtaining a sem"
"intuition obtained a sem in bad order"
;------ dos.library
##offset $07010001
"dos no mem at startup"
"dos EndTask didn't"
"dos Qpkt failure"
"dos unexpected packet received"
"dos freevec failed"
"dos disk block sequence error"
"dos bitmap corrupt"
"dos key aleady defined"
"dos invalid checksum"
"dos disk error"
"dos key out of range"
"dos bad overlay"
"dos invalid packed for cli/shell"
"dos filehandle reclosed"
;------ ramlib.library
##offset $08000001
"ramlib overlays invalid"
;------ expansion.library
##offset $0A000001
"expansion freeed free region"
;------ console.device
##offset $11000001
"console can't open initial window"
;------ trackdisk.device
##offset $14000001
"trackdisk calibrate seek error"
"trackdisk delay error on timer wait"
;------ timer.device
##offset $15000001
"timer bad request"
"timer power supply bad ticks"
;------ disk.resource
##offset $21000001
"disk get unit has already disk"
"disk interrupt no active unit"
;------ bootstrap
##offset $30000001
"bootstrap code returned error"
;------ workbench
##offset $B1000001
"workbench missing fonts"
##offset $31000001
"workbench bad startupmsg1"
"workbench bad startupmsg2"
"workbench bad IO msg"
##offset $B1010009
"workbench relayout toolmenu failed"
;First, we include some of the main offsets
##increment -6 ;Default increment for libs
;we don't set the bias, this is done by the libs...
;exec first
##vectors exec.library ;name of the game
##include FD:exec_lib.fd
##vectors graphics.library
##include FD:graphics_lib.fd
##vectors layers.library
##include FD:layers_lib.fd
##vectors intuition.library
##include FD:intuition_lib.fd
##vectors dos.library
##include FD:dos_lib.fd
##vectors utility.library
##include FD:utility_lib.fd
##vectors gadtools.library
##include FD:gadtools_lib.fd
##vectors iffparse.library
##include FD:iffparse_lib.fd
##vectors workbench.library
##include FD:workbench_lib.fd
;Include your own stuff here...
;We know involve here the pseudo-assembler...
;hope it works...
##equate ;we now define some equates
##include INCLUDE:exec/lists.i
##include INCLUDE:exec/nodes.i
##include INCLUDE:exec/interrupts.i
##include INCLUDE:exec/libraries.i
##include INCLUDE:exec/ports.i
##include INCLUDE:exec/tasks.i
##include INCLUDE:exec/semaphores.i
;we are now ready to define execbase !
##node exec.library ;Define execbase
##include INCLUDE:exec/execbase.i
##include INCLUDE:utility/tagitem.i
##include INCLUDE:graphics/gfx.i
##include INCLUDE:graphics/gfxnodes.i
##include INCLUDE:graphics/copper.i
##include INCLUDE:graphics/view.i
##include INCLUDE:graphics/displayinfo.i
##include INCLUDE:graphics/monitor.i
##node graphics.library
##include INCLUDE:graphics/gfxbase.i
##node dos.library
STRUCTURE DosLibrary,0
APTR dl_Root * Pointer to RootNode, described below
APTR dl_GV * Pointer to BCPL global vector
LONG dl_A2 * BCPL standard register values
LONG dl_A5
LONG dl_A6
APTR dl_Errors * PRIVATE pointer to array of error msgs
APTR dl_TimeReq * PRIVATE pointer to timer request
APTR dl_UtilityBase * PRIVATE pointer to utility library base
APTR dl_IntuitionBase * PRIVATE pointer to intuition library base
LABEL dl_SIZEOF * DosLibrary
;and now the hardware stuff... we do not use the system includes here,
;cause they are equates...
;but we need relative entries !
##relative $dff000
##offset 0
UWORD CustomBase
UWORD dmaconr
UWORD vposr
UWORD vhposr
UWORD dskdatr
UWORD joy0dat
UWORD joy1dat
UWORD clxdat
UWORD adkconr
UWORD pot0dat
UWORD pot1dat
UWORD potinp
UWORD serdatr
UWORD dskbytr
UWORD intenar
UWORD intreqr
APTR dskpt
UWORD dsklen
UWORD dskdat
UWORD refptr
UWORD vposw
UWORD vhposw
UWORD copcon
UWORD serdat
UWORD serper
UWORD potgo
UWORD joytest
UWORD strequ
UWORD strvbl
UWORD strhor
UWORD strlong
UWORD bltcon0
UWORD bltcon1
UWORD bltafwm
UWORD bltalwm
APTR bltcpt
APTR bltbpt
APTR bltapt
APTR bltdpt
UWORD bltsize
UWORD bltsizv
UWORD bltsizh
WORD bltcmod
WORD bltbmod
WORD bltamod
WORD bltdmod
##offset $70
UWORD bltcdat
UWORD bltbdat
UWORD bltadat
##offset $7c
UWORD deniseid
UWORD dsksync
##offset $80
APTR cop1lc
APTR cop2lc
UWORD copjmp1
UWORD copjmp2
UWORD copins
UWORD diwstrt
UWORD diwstop
UWORD ddfstrt
UWORD ddfstop
UWORD dmacon
UWORD clxcon
UWORD intena
UWORD intreq
UWORD adkcon
##offset $a0
APTR ac_ptr0
UWORD ac_len0
UWORD ac_per0
UWORD ac_vol0
UWORD ac_dat0
##offset $b0
APTR ac_ptr1
UWORD ac_len1
UWORD ac_per1
UWORD ac_vol1
UWORD ac_dat1
##offset $c0
APTR ac_ptr2
UWORD ac_len2
UWORD ac_per2
UWORD ac_vol2
UWORD ac_dat2
##offset $d0
APTR ac_ptr3
UWORD ac_len3
UWORD ac_per3
UWORD ac_vol3
UWORD ac_dat3
##offset $e0
APTR bplpt0
APTR bplpt1
APTR bplpt2
APTR bplpt3
APTR bplpt4
APTR bplpt5
APTR bplpt6
APTR bplpt7
##offset $100
UWORD bplcon0
UWORD bplcon1
UWORD bplcon2
UWORD bplcon3
WORD bpl1mod
WORD bpl2mod
WORD bplcon4
WORD clxcon2
##offset $110
UWORD bpldat0
UWORD bpldat1
UWORD bpldat2
UWORD bpldat3
UWORD bpldat4
UWORD bpldat5
UWORD bpldat6
UWORD bpldat7
##offset $120
APTR sprpt0
APTR sprpt1
APTR sprpt2
APTR sprpt3
APTR sprpt4
APTR sprpt5
APTR sprpt6
APTR sprpt7
##offset $140
UWORD sd_pos0
UWORD sd_ctl0
UWORD sd_dataa0
UWORD sd_datab0
UWORD sd_pos1
UWORD sd_ctl1
UWORD sd_dataa1
UWORD sd_datab1
UWORD sd_pos2
UWORD sd_ctl2
UWORD sd_dataa2
UWORD sd_datab2
UWORD sd_pos3
UWORD sd_ctl3
UWORD sd_dataa3
UWORD sd_datab3
UWORD sd_pos4
UWORD sd_ctl4
UWORD sd_dataa4
UWORD sd_datab4
UWORD sd_pos5
UWORD sd_ctl5
UWORD sd_dataa5
UWORD sd_datab5
UWORD sd_pos6
UWORD sd_ctl6
UWORD sd_dataa6
UWORD sd_datab6
UWORD sd_pos7
UWORD sd_ctl7
UWORD sd_dataa7
UWORD sd_datab7
##offset $180
UWORD color00
UWORD color01
UWORD color02
UWORD color03
UWORD color04
UWORD color05
UWORD color06
UWORD color07
UWORD color08
UWORD color09
UWORD color10
UWORD color11
UWORD color12
UWORD color13
UWORD color14
UWORD color15
UWORD color16
UWORD color17
UWORD color18
UWORD color19
UWORD color20
UWORD color21
UWORD color22
UWORD color23
UWORD color24
UWORD color25
UWORD color26
UWORD color27
UWORD color28
UWORD color29
UWORD color30
UWORD color31
##offset $1c0
UWORD htotal
UWORD hsstop
UWORD hbstrt
UWORD hbstop
UWORD vtotal
UWORD vsstop
UWORD vbstrt
UWORD vbstop
UWORD sprhstrt
UWORD sprhstop
UWORD bplhstrt
UWORD bplhstop
UWORD hhposw
UWORD hhposr
UWORD beamcon0
UWORD hsstrt
UWORD vsstrt
UWORD hcenter
UWORD diwhigh
##offset $1fc
UWORD fmode
##relative $bfe001
##offset 0
##increment $100
##relative $bfd000
##offset 0
##increment $100